‘Project Awesome’ Artist Kathleen ‘Textile Warrior’ Morris

Just like we did in the first round of ‘Project Awesome’, we’re doing quick fire interviews with the artists involved so we can get to know them a little better, snoop about in their wonderfully creative brain houses, suck up some of their genius. We’ll also find out what else they are up to so we can creep on their social media. You know, all that usual good stuff.

Introducing the supremely talented ‘Textile Warrior’ herself, Kathleen Morris.

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This awesome lady creates beautiful statements you can put on your wall but also runs some incredible hands on workshops for adults and kidley-winks alike. So keep you eyes peeled for them, especially if you have idle hands to occupy come school holidays.

daisy chain

So cue the jingle, turn up the theme song, and settle in to play leeeeeet’s geeeet to knoooow yooouuuuu!

Contestant number one…

Have you always been artistic or is it something that has developed more recently for you? In other words, how did you get to where you are at today?

Yes, I have always had an artistic streak. One of my earliest memories goes back to when I was 4, making clothes for my dolls from newspaper and old tea towels. Later that developed into making my own clothes as a teenager, then to quilt making. My love of textiles was put on hold for many years after having to unpick one too many seams (I hate unpicking) which is when I transitioned to collage.  I found this medium allowed me to express my own thoughts and feelings as an artist and to develop my own style.  These days my work is a mix of paper and textiles, preferring to work intuitively with hands on old school crafts and techniques, producing both tiny work and grand scale street art weavings and pasteup.  No doubt my artistic side has infiltrated all parts of my life including previous roles as an administrator and at home having renovated five houses and endlessly pursuing my love of interiors.

What does it mean to you to be an artist?


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Apart from this awesome vintage jacket project, what are you working on now?

Right now Im working toward my first solo exhibition as part of SALA 2017 and I also have a very exciting street art project with a local council on the horizon.

What would be your dream job/commission?

Well I’m pretty chuffed with the upcoming street art project and I would love to do some editorial illustration but if I had to choose it would be working in collaboration with my fave artist Oliver Jeffers, yeah, that would be cool.

What are your ‘All Time Top Five Artistic Influences’ (owww..big category, could be other artists, music, friends….anything that has influenced you as an artist

1. Ordinary heroic people. You know, those people who pave the way for change (outspoken feminists, minimalists, environmentalists, scientists, human right activists, animal activists and those who risk their reputation and lives to help others, anything that ends in “ist” really).

2. David Bowie. Legend.

3. My mum and Dad.  My mum was a Home Ec teacher so no doubt lead me down this path and my dad was the Great Australian all-rounder. Good at everything he put his mind to and a great work ethic to match. I lost him to that arsehole cancer nearly 8 years ago and I still think of him every single day.

4. Cultural diversity. 

5. Anything vintage or retro, music, interiors, clothing.  I am eternally drawn to materials and objects with a past life.

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There you go, a little piece of the ‘Textile Warrior’.

Check out Kathleens solo exhibition opening at ‘Trouble and Strife” Cafe on Goodwood Rd, Adelaide on Saturday the 29th of July. It’ll be rad!

Keep up to date with all her inspiring work and kid friendly workshops on her Facebook , Instagram @textilewarrior and website www.textilewarrior.com.

While you’re there check out her now international project #seedsforbees too, it’s pretty awesome and VERY important on an environmental level to get behind, so give it a squizz and get involved if you can.





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